Finding your Crown!

Finding your Crown!


I see a lot of ppl asking for crown help... this is how I found my crown.

1. Take a brush or comb (depending on your hair length) and brush from left to right (1 to 2)
2. Now do it the other way, from right to left. (2 to 1)

Here's the logic:

Brushing against the grain causes your hair to stand up, so the point where your hair starts to lay down means you're going with the grain... which means you've crossed over your crown. Looking at the photo my crown is marked with a blue line. When I did Step 1, all the hair between the green line and blue line was standing up whereas the hair between the blue and orange line was laying down.

This gives you a ballpark area for your crown, you'll still need to get in the lab with a rat tail comb or baby tress to find exactly where it is.
